GC-MS Organic Acid Kit

Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry is a technique that has been regarded as the gold standard for analyzing lipids, drug metabolites and environmental analysis for many years. Its high sensitivity enables analysis of less common samples in minute amounts. In the last few years, GC technology has been more widely used for metabolomics studies in animals and humans with the aim of toxicology and biomarker discovery, disease diagnosis and classification.

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  • Quantifies up to 110 organic acids (in urine)

  • Includes automated spectra profiling and data analysis software

  • The assay is fully validated

  • Kits are manufactured in QMS-compliant facility

Explore our partner the TMIC Wishart Node and its metabolomics service offerings, including LC-MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS, NMR, and UV-LC.  They perform targeted and untargeted metabolomic analysis, as well as lipidomics and proteomics.