Dr. Rupasri Mandal is the TMIC (The Metabolomics Innovation Centre) node manager for the Wishart node. TMIC is Canada’s national metabolomics core facility. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in environmental analytical chemistry from Carleton University, Canada, in 2001. Her research experience is broad and covers the field of metabolomics, bioanalytical, biomedical, environmental/analytical and physical chemistry. Dr. Mandal has >20 years of research/work experience in these fields. Over this period of time, she has gained an extensive experience in the development of novel schemes and analytical/bioanalytical techniques for targeted and untargeted metabolomics. She is quite familiar with the operation and general maintenance of all of the GC-MS, LC-MS, NMR, HPLC and sample preparation equipment in the Wishart node. She is also well acquainted with the multivariate statistical software that is used to interpret TMIC’s metabolomic results. These represent a unique set of skills. As TMIC node manager, she is responsible for coordination and management of TMIC operations and technology developments. These activities include, but are not limited to developing and implementing the strategic plan for research activities; designing experiments, research methods, data collection protocols, and standards in consultation with the Director; managing TMIC’s facility personnel and their activities; identifying and reporting on new metabolomic technologies, coordinating and conducting the development and adaptation of new metabolomic technologies; training new staff on how to properly use TMIC equipment; communicating with TMIC clients, analyzing/interpreting metabolomic data and preparing reports for clients; assisting TMIC directors with the preparation of grants, contracts and scientific publications, budget planning, equipment and supply purchases. Dr. Mandal’s leadership and expertise are crucial for project planning and project reporting, methods and technology development and client service provision in the TMIC Wishart node. Dr. Mandal has led and participated in multiple clinical/health research projects in the Wishart node such as several maternal, prenatal, neonatal and other human disease biomarker studies. These include first trimester prediction of early-/ late-onset preeclampsia, down syndrome, fetal congenital heart defect, adult heart disease, pediatric kidney transplant and early/late-onset of osteoarthritis, lung cancer, autism, IBD and colorectal cancer.